Reliefs under domestic violence act

In the pursuit of creating a safer and more equitable society, India has taken significant strides to address the pervasive issue of domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Act, enacted to protect the rights and well-being of victims, provides a comprehensive legal framework with various reliefs. In this blog, we will explore the key provisions of the Domestic Violence Act in India, shedding light on the reliefs available to survivors.

Protection Orders: A Legal Shield
At the heart of the Domestic Violence Act are protection orders designed to shield victims from further harm. These orders prohibit the perpetrator from engaging in any form of domestic violence, creating a legal barrier that empowers survivors to live without fear. By seeking a protection order, survivors take a crucial step towards breaking the cycle of abuse.

Residence Orders: Safeguarding Home and Hearth
Recognizing the significance of a secure living environment, the Act allows for residence orders. These orders ensure that victims can continue to reside in the shared household while the abuser may be directed to vacate the premises. This provision is vital in restoring a sense of security and control over living conditions for survivors.

Monetary Reliefs: Easing the Financial Burden
Domestic violence often has financial implications for survivors. The Domestic Violence Act in India addresses this by providing monetary reliefs, including compensation for injuries, medical expenses, and loss of earnings. These reliefs aim to alleviate the economic challenges faced by survivors, empowering them to rebuild their lives independently.

Custody Orders: Prioritizing the Welfare of Children
In cases involving children, the Act prioritizes their welfare through custody orders. These orders ensure that decisions regarding child custody consider the best interests of the child. By providing temporary custody to the victim and outlining visitation rights for the accused, the Act seeks to shield children from the detrimental effects of domestic violence.

Medical Assistance: Healing Wounds, Restoring Dignity
Acknowledging the physical and mental toll of domestic violence, the Domestic Violence Act in India includes provisions for medical assistance. Survivors are entitled to receive necessary medical facilities and treatment, emphasizing a holistic approach to recovery and healing.


The Domestic Violence Act in India serves as a powerful tool in the fight against domestic abuse. By offering a range of reliefs, from legal protection to financial assistance, the Act empowers survivors to reclaim their lives. It is crucial for society to be informed about these provisions, fostering an environment where survivors are supported and can seek help without fear. Together, we can contribute to a society where every individual, regardless of gender, can live free from the shackles of domestic violence.

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